Tuesday, December 04, 2007


WHAT TO DO, GET AND BRING: GUATEMALA 2008 by Glen Cooper and William Plowman

to do before you leave:

Research, research & more research. But be open to exploring new threads
and possibilities as things present themselves when you hit the ground. If
you have specific assignments try to give yourself some time to explore
your own ideas.

Also, if you don't own it yet, please look into camera insurance. The NPPA offers a great insurance plan through Hays: Click Here for details


I try to travel as light as possible. Priority is always given to my gear.
So I don't take very many clothes. You'll never have everything you want on
you...its a struggle between running light and being prepared.


Camera Equipment.
I'd bring two bodies if you have them. Lenses I'd recommend would be something in the 16-35mm range, something in the 24-70mm range.
I usually bring my 70-200mm but end up leaving this in the place I stay when I go out most days. I do bring a flash but this too ends up tucked away in my bag back at my hotel.

Batteries, please go out and get several so you can have at least two on your person each day and another charging back at your hotel.

Don't bother with a tripod. It is too heavy and you will never use it.

Audio Equipment. I bring along my M-Audio recorder but any digital audio recorder will work. I do recommend the Zoom H2 or H4.

Plenty of AA batteries for these devices. If using the M-Audio (internal battery) I'd recommend purchasing an emergency cell phone charger (~$20 from Home Depot). This device is small and takes AA batteries perfect for recharging your audio equip with internal batteries or even your cell phone.

Make sure you have all the proper mics and cords necessary since this stuff is impossible to find when you don't have it.

Cables. I carry a (long) ethernet cable. If you are
filing from the field its important to have a redundant workflow. If your
FTP client goes down...have 2 other email accounts you can send from.

Laptop. Back-up your work daily on dvd, cd or portable drives. If I'm
going on a relatively short trip I back up my images on my iPod. Also...I
have backup copies of Photomechanic, Adobe PS, Sound Slides and Transmit on my iPod should something bad happen.

Power strip and converters. Find out what, if any, converters are needed
where you'll be working. You can find packages of the most widely used
converters from most travel stores. Power strips are very handy as you'll
be charging batteries, laptops etc and Ive found some rooms only have one

CF Cards. Things happen...cards die. Better to have 6 one gig cards than one
6 gig card.

Mobile phones. Depending on where you are it is usually cheaper just to buy
a local cell phone and calling cards (I WILL GIVE YOU ALL $15 TOWARDS A CELL PHONE. Cheapies are about $20).
However...if you prefer to use your own phone, most can be fitted with a card to
access the local network but they usually need to be unlocked prior so check with your brand.


Lens cloth. Get some from any place that sells glasses.

Canned air. Your laptop and cameras will get pretty filthy. Keep things

Lens cleaner.

Travel Books. The Lonely Planet, Guatemala should be in everyone's backpack.


Visit your doctor or travel clinic. Mt Auburn has a great travel clinic as does Mass General.
Get your shots well in advance.

Malaria zone? Talk to your doctor about anti-malarials. Take Deet or some
kind of repellent.

Medical kit. I always have a small med kit with plenty of iodine,
anti-bacterial, and lots of bandages. Please see your medical professional for advice on taking along any antibiotics or other medicines.

Sunscreen. If its hot and your out all day you'll need it.


Cash. Small US bills are best but try to limit bills over a US $20. Make sure you change some small bills into the local currency when you get there. Always change money at a bank or other certified exchange center. I find the airport to be the best, easiest and safest place to exchange money.

Have a copy of your passport, credit cards etc. on your laptop should you
lose them.

Dress. Personal choice...but I never wear a watch, jewelry or anything
else that might get in the way of interacting in the developing world. I
don't like to wear sunglasses for this very reason.

Bags. I don't like the "photoJ" bags very much. I prefer a small backpack
or a very small lens pouch type thing on my belt.

Notebooks & pens.

Biz Cards. You should be meeting a lot of people and making a lot of
connections. Make it easy for them and print up (on your own) a bunch of
cards with your name, # of the place you are staying or cell # and email


I travel (plane etc) with my cameras and laptop on me. Should my checked
luggage not find its way to me I have everything I need to work on my
person. My checked luggage is one PELICAN hard-case. That way when I arrive
I can store any important things inside it and lock it up.

If it can go wrong...it will. So try to be prepared.


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